Monday 14 August 2017

Photo Memory Camera 3D Card

This was a Father's Day card for my Dad, as you can see from the photo. I used a Pringles lid to make the 3D lens, colouring it with a black Sharpie to make it black. I printed out the photo I wanted and cut it slightly smaller than the Pringles lid so I could slot it inside. As I wanted a shiny surface on the photo, I stuck the photo onto some sticky back plastic. I used lined paper for the background as the Camera itself was quite plain, and this therefore gave it a better finish than plain black card. I used Metallic pens for the writing, and with better handwriting I could have done a better job. I added a jewel to the flash light to make it shine in the light.

Thursday 8 June 2017

Father's Day Card

For this card, I found a denim texture online. I cut out the two D's first, and then found a seam line to make two pockets, with the seam at the top. I had some paper patterned with football items and words, but any appropriate patterned paper will do. I cut these jaggedly to represent a pocket square, and glued these behind the pocket square. Once everything was stuck down, I used an embossing label maker to create the words, which I stuck at different angles. Lastly, I drew around the denim with a white pencil, as if it was stitching. Overall I think this card looks effective, but the shape of the D's could be improved by using a printed out letter to get a more effective shape.

Minecraft 3D Birthday Card

Monday 6 February 2017

DIY Birthday Card

For this card, I wanted it to look like a DIY belt. I made the top band with two strips of the brown, putting them together at the 'in' bend so it wasn't noticeable. I cut the various shapes needed out of card, and used fineliner to draw a dotted line round them all to give the effect of sewn on leather. I wasn't sure what to do with the metal fixings so I printed some off, cut them out and stuck them on. I created a patch to write a short message on as well, so I didn't have to write on the back, although that is also possible. The shiny card proved hard to cut without bending, but grey card would do the job well too.